The Pokemon Go Unova Celebration event is now finally over. And soon everyone is going to explore other regions in the world of Pokemon. As per the buzz, the developers are soon going to kick off the Sinnoh Celebration event. During the event, you’ll get the chance to catch several great pokemon to earn rewards. With rewards, you can also complete the Elite Collector medal upgrades. In the event, the rewards will be automatically credited to your quota after completing Pokemon GO Sinnoh Collection Challenge.
The Pokemon GO Sinnoh Collection Challenge may sound easy to you. But catching a few Pokemon in the event might be harder than your imagination. Because to complete this event, you’ll have less than a week. And due to the short span of time, it’ll be very tough for you if you are not aware of where to find the required Pokemon. Therefore, you can use this Pokemon GO Sinnoh Collection Challenge guide, that’ll be showing you how to catch them all on time. Just scroll down to uncover everything you need to know about catching Pokemon for the Sinnoh Collection Challenge.

What do You need to do in Pokemon GO Sinnoh Collection Challenge?
The challenges added in this event are way too different from any Field or Special Research tasks. But, for the event, an exclusive Field Research will be added after the update. During the event, you’ll need to grab specific Pokemon to complete the task and earn 3,000 Stardust, 15 Ultra Balls, and a Magnetic Lure Module as a reward. To get all of them, you’ll need to capture all the Pokémon on the list.
When Pokemon GO Sinnoh Collection Challenge Will Start?
These Pokemon are available in the game just for a few days. So, it becomes necessary to complete all the challenges on time. Otherwise, each item associated with this will be vanished for forever. It will start on Tuesday, January 12th at 10:00 am your local time and ends on Sunday, January 17th at 8:00 pm
Which Pokemon To Catch In The Sinnoh Collection Challenge In Pokemon Go?
Below is a list of Pokemon on which you should keep an eye during the Sinnoh Celebration event. The list also consists the Shadow Pokémon you will need to save.
- Turtwig
- Chimchar
- Piplup
- Buizel
- Combee
- Shadow Stunky
- Shadow Snover
- Cranidos
- Shieldon
In the list, there are a few Pokemon that you can discover easily by either wandering around in the wild or hatching from common eggs. But with others, you’ll need to make good efforts.
Quick Note:- First time in forever Buizel is available as as a Shiny. Thus, we advise you to check all Buizels.

How to Catch Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, and Combee
After updating the game, you can easily see the Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup in the woods. As they all easy targets, so you play the game normally. Unfortunately, if you struggle to get them, then start the field research task. This task will give you one of them as a reward, but you’ll need to complete the Power up Pokémon task four times.
How to Catch Buizel in Pokemon Go?
As a trainer, you must know that Buizel is a water-type Pokemon, and you can also find it in the wild. You may face some difficulties to get it as it is not common as the ones mentioned above. This time, it will appear in the game in a shinny form. Unluckily if none of the Buizel spawns for you, then you can hatch 5km eggs which you already received in the event. Else you can also complete the Defeat 2 Team GO Rocket Grunts Field Research to get one.
How to Catch Shadow Stunky and Shadow Snover
The one and the only way to get these two Pokemon is to defeat Team GO Rocket Grunts. To find them always keep an eye in the sky. As they can be seen flying in a balloon or black Poké Stops.
Quick Tip:- The best thing about their balloon is that it pop up after every six hours starting at midnight.
If they say “You’re gonna be frozen in your tracks”, then that means they have Snover in their team. But if they say “Wherever there is light, there is also a shadow”, then they will be having Stunky. Defeat them and capture their Pokemon to finish the first part of the challenge.
How to Catch Cranidos and Shieldon
These two are the hardest to catch, and you must pay special attention as there will be high chances that you may see them in the wild. You’ll be fortunate if you manage to get them in the first attempt. However, if you don’t get a chance to acquire, then don’t lose the hopes. Because you can always choose to complete the 2 Raids Field Research task to win either one of them. Otherwise, you cal also select to hatch 5km eggs, which you received during the Sinnoh Collection Challenge event. Hatching the 5km eggs guarantee you to offer Shieldon. Hence it is only beneficial if you need Shieldon is the one you demand.