Ethics Policy

The Important E News Media’s editorial policies are defined by an internal style guide and follow the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics. The Important E News employs journalists who are brave in their information gathering, reporting, and interpretation.

They reduce harm by treating sources, subjects, coworkers, and members of the public as decent human beings. They have a responsibility to act freely, serve the public, and avoid conflicts of interest. In addition, they take responsibility for their work and are open and honest about how they arrived at their conclusions.

The Important E News additionally works to include the opinions of individuals who are typically left out of mainstream reporting in its stories since it is of the opinion that systemic change begins at the local level. Community members, movement leaders, and those who are directly impacted by the problems covered by The Important E News are some of the perspectives represented here.

However, this strategy does not lessen The Important E News’ commitment to delivering accurate, impartial reporting and analysis together with properly labelled commentary and opinion.

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