Almost all human activities are affected by the disease outbreak of COVID-19, and it has suffocated everyone’s professional routine. The lockdown in most countries has created a chaotic situation in the corporate world and has left a lot of people jobless. As people have accepted quarantine as a measure to prevent global health, most businesses are facing closures, and others are laying off their employees; the situation has worsened for the sole bread earners.
Staying locked has left people with the only choice, starting to earn from home. Today, working from home has become a new trend, which was much underrated before the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some career options one can choose while staying home:

Hygiene Products Distribution
Masks and sanitizers are the new accessories; everybody carries a set anywhere they go. So the best way to make some extra money is by getting some readymade masks and bottles of sanitizers and become a distributor. The more you advertise, the more you sell.
Teach Online
As the schools and classes have turned digital, the physical appearance of tutors has decreased. Although, the importance and need for tutors have not vanished; so, grab this opportunity to earn money by teaching students online. This career pays on both; hourly and monthly basis.
Become a Freelancer
Freelancing is a job, excluding restrictions and limitations. It is not easy to find freelancing projects, but many online platforms offer this opportunity; you just have to register, and project notifications will come to you. Freelancers are paid on a project basis or as per agreement.
Many digital windows like YouTube and Instagram have opened a way for blogging careers. Bloggers are those who share their specialized knowledge in a particular field through online mediums, and their followers view their channels. Blogging has become an excellent influencing network, especially for the fashion, travel, and cooking industry.
Content Writing
Writing is just a great medium of expressing, and most people are comfortable with expressing their views online. Content writing career pays enough to survive.
P2P Lending
The lockdown has made people realize how vital it is to earn and save for themselves and their families. Peer to peer (P2P) has become a lending process on an individual basis among your circle.
Virtual Assistantship
VAs are paid well for working virtually and are evaluated on a project basis. This is a self-employing job that includes making calls, scheduling appointments, and managing emails.
Sell Online
Selling online works great with proper advertising and marketing, but choosing the appropriate item to market is crucial. The relevance of the product makes a tremendous difference.
Become a Virtual Chef
YouTube and other platforms have opened ways for great cooking shows and channels that also work on views-basis. The more your viewers play your video; the more your channel gets paid. Open a cooking channel online and start earning.
Affiliate Marketing
Businesses run on marketing, so affiliate marketing jobs are most vital for the growth of any company. Affiliate marketing is a commission-based job, now also available on the digital platform.