Your Guide to Self-Isolation and Quarantine

The year 2020, it has been a massive thunderstorm to our human community. It has been long enough since we have witnessed such a significant crisis. The society and existence of the human race are in threat. No, we are not saying that coronaviruses can kill everyone, but it has higher mortality and spread rate than the other viruses or bacteria.

It has been called a pandemic for a reason. But there are some simple rules which we can follow in this situation and regain control over the situation. We have jotted down some of the guides to self-isolation and Quarantine, which can be used by infected and non-infected people for everyone’s safety.

One Room Confinement

If you are under self-isolation, you should confine yourself to one particular room. It is preferable if the room has an attached toilet and bathroom for complete isolation and so that none of your close members is in a chance of contamination. It is effortless to cross-contaminate if you are living in the same space.

Showing the first step of self-isolation must be total confinement. No visitors must be allowed during that phase. It must be kept in mind that there should be no hugging or touching or any close contact. A minimum of 6 ft distance must be maintained at all times.

Single Person Contact 

In case you need to come in contact with one person, it should be a single person only. And both the people must be in complete isolation. Even if one family member or nurse is assigned to take care of you, they must maintain a 1-3metres distance. The person who must come in contact with you must wear gloves and a mask at all times.

Even the infected person should be wearing a mask and gloves at all times. It must be strictly observed and taken care that any surface touch by the infected person must not come with the other person. Regular washing of hands must be followed even after or before the removal of gloves.

Family Members Distance

COVID- 19 can be very dangerous and life-threatening to the elderly and children. So one must take care that they maintain an ample distance from the elderly, pregnant women and children of the family, and other family members.

Everyone should be at the maximum distance from the infected person and wash hands regularly with soap and alcohol-based sanitizers. It must be strictly prohibited to even come in contact with the infected person using goods and surfaces. 

Disposal of Masks and Clothes 

The proper disposal of the mask and clothes worn by the infected person under self-quarantine should be done. It is crucial to know that direct contact contamination can be prevented, but indirect contacts from clothes and goods are complicated to avoid.

The clothes and mask worn by the infected person must be kept aside in a plastic bag and should be appropriately buried or burned in a contactless manner. The use of disposable gloves must be worn while washing utensils. Other members must not share the utensils like plates or drinking glasses etc. that are used by the infected person in the family. 

Pay Online 

Any kind of transaction via bills and cash must be avoided. Groceries should be ordered online, or home delivery must be chosen. Payment for groceries or other stuff must be made online via net banking or mobile banking.

Contactless delivery must be selected from while receiving the stuff. Ask the delivery person to leave the things at the doorstep. It is preferred to use disposable cutlery and utensils as well for extra security.

Take Government Support 

If you start showing symptoms, a few additional steps need to be taken. Contact your healthcare professional and get to know every closest Health Care facility in your area in case of an emergency. Every person who came in close contact with you must be quarantined immediately.

The infected person’s family must be checked for any further symptoms, and tests must be conducted based on the situation. Government officials should be asked to lock the house by putting a tag and sanitise the area. 

Separate Your Utensils 

It is essential to separate the utensils of the infected person from the other members of the family. While washing the utensils, gloves must be worn at all times. It is preferred to use disposable utensils.

Keep Tissue and Sanitizers Handy. 

While coughing or sneezing, tissue must be kept handy to avoid the sneeze reaching a distance. The infected person must use sanitiser now and then to prevent further contamination. The tissues must be disposed of in a bin locked in a plastic bag and safely disposed off properly.

Using disposable masks is advised, which must be changed every 6 to 8 hours and must be thrown away safely without touching. The face covers must not be used more than one time for safety.

 Clean Your Premise with Disinfectant Regularly

It is essential to clean the premises used by the infected person regularly using alcohol-based sanitiser and disinfectants. The floor, bed, pillowcases, bed sheets, table, chairs must be cleaned every day. Regular cleaning of the body of the infected person is also required with soap and water. And it is also advised to wash your hands with soap and water every hour to reduce the spread.

Say No to Public Gatherings. 

As a part of the responsibility, an infected person, or anyone who comes in close contact with the infected person must ignore public gatherings like marriage or any religious ceremonies. It can lead to a higher spread of the virus, which can be fatal for society. 

If everyone chooses to play their part in this pandemic, the spread of the virus can be controlled, and we have to face lesser fatalities and loss of our loved ones. Self-quarantine is the first, and the biggest step one can take to show support to society and humanity. It applies not only to those infected but also to those who are not affected. If everyone decides to maintain social distancing and play by the rules, we can surely win against coronavirus.