In the heart of gamers, Battlefront 2 holds an exceptional place. And to extend user-base, the developer gave Battlefront 2 copies free on the Epic Games Store last week. Due to the giveaway, they were forced to increase the server’s capacity by 3 times to handle all the new players’ rush. To refresh your memory, the star wars Battlefront 2 was launched for PlayStation on back in 2017, but till now the game has been plagued with several errors. Nowadays, a new problem, i.e. Battlefront 2 Error Code 721, is flustering the players at every moment when they try to go online.
We all know that multiplayer online games require a stable internet connection; however, it is also a bitter truth that connectivity error is one of the most common issues that can ruin all the excitement of playing an online video game. And none of the gamers will like to continue receiving such issues for a long time. If you are also a victim of Battlefront 2 Error Code 721, then keep scrolling to check out this troubleshooting guide to fix it.

What is Star Wars Battlefront 2 Error Code 721?
The Error code 721 can pop up on your screen anytime whenever EA face server issues. In simple words, all the players will lose the connectivity with their immediate server, resulting in loss of progress upon disconnection.
After disconnection, the message reads, “Failed to connect to the EA Servers. Online features will be unavailable. Please check your internet connection and try again. See for additional information.”
Why You get Star Wars Battlefront 2 Error Code 721 on Your Screen?
So far the reasons acknowledged behind this persistent issues are listed below, have a look:
- Corrupted console cache data.
- DDoS attack on EA’s game servers.
- Corrupted game installation.
- IP configuration problems.
- UPnP enabled.
- Unstable DNS.
How to Fix Star Wars Battlefront 2 Error Code 721 on PC?
Just like the Terraria lost connection, only a few convincing solutions are available to fix the problem. Notwithstanding, some tweaks are available by which you can either fix it permanently else one of them will surely solve it temporarily.
If you look at the error code closely, you’ll realise that the method to fix it is hidden in it. To fix the Battlefront 2 Error Code 721, EA suggests players should restart their routers for a few minutes, and after that, they surely will be able to enjoy the Star Wars Battlefront 2. Yet, this method doesn’t work for everyone. There is also a possibility that EA sports servers are down or undergoing regular maintenance at a specific time, leading to connectivity issues.
If the problem persist, here’s what you should do under these circumstances:
- Check if the EA servers are working. You can do this here.
- Check if your internet is working and connected properly to the device you are playing on.
- Restart your PC.
- Try changing your default DNS.
- Try with renewing your IP Configuration.
- Reinstall the game.
#2 Method Release and Renew an IP Address
To initiate the process to renew your IP address, go to the start, then Run and type CMD to open command prompt window.
Now type the following in the CMD:
ipconfig /renew

And to release a IP address, just type the following command and hit enter.
ipconfig /release
#2 Method Change Default DNS Settings
Perform the following actions to change default DNS settings.
- Hit Windows key + R
- Type ‘ncpa.cpl’ into the newly-opened ‘Run’ window
- Find the network you’re having trouble within the newly-opened selection window and choose ‘Properties’ via the right-click menu.
- Go to the ‘Networking’ tab and then click on the ‘Settings’ button.
- Select ‘Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)’ and click on the ‘Properties’ button.
- Select the ‘General’ tab in the new window, and then click on the ‘Use the following DNS server address’ toggle.’
- Replace the ‘Preferred DNS server’ values with
- Replace the ‘Alternate DNS server’ values with
#3 Method Disable UPnP
If you aren’t a pro, then disabling the UPnP may be an arduous task for you. Because to discover a solution you’ll have to go through the configuration interface of your router. And turning it off may seed several other problems.
If you want to get your hands on, then type “” or “” (depending on the model of the router) in your browser’s address bar. Now login to your device by entering the login credentials provided by your ISP. After a successful login, go to the “NAT redirection” section of the interface, the name may vary due to the different model and manufacturer. Try locating the UPnP option and upon finding slide the button to deactivate it and check if the issue is resolved.
Fix Battlefront 2 Error Code 721 on PS4 and Xbox One
Unlike PC users, console users don’t have many solutions to try and fix the fault. If you own a PS4 and the code 721 frequently pops up on your screen, then EA sports suggest doing a hard reset to solve it. To hard reset, perform the below-mentioned steps.
Press and hold the power button for seven seconds or until you hear a second beep. If the game is still troubling, then try rebooting the internet device.
All the Xbox One owners can also try their luck with these same steps. You should continue reading to know how to clear the cache on Xbox one and set the DNS server to Google on PS4 and Xbox.
Quick Tip:- Unplug the router/modem or range extender, let it rest for at least 30 seconds. Now, re-plug it and monitor its working.
Steps to Clear Cache in Xbox One
- Press and hold the power button on the front of the Xbox until it turns off completely.
- Unplug the power brick from the back of the Xbox. Press and hold the power button on the Xbox several times to expel any remaining power and clear the cache.
- Plugin the power brick.
- Wait for the light on the power brick to change from white to orange.
- Turn the Xbox back on as you would normally.
How to Change DNS on Xbox One?
- Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the guide.
- When the guide is open, Select Settings.
- Now Select All Settings.
- Select Network.
- Go to Advanced settings.
- Select DNS settings.
- Select Manual.
- After reaching on this page enter preferred Primary DNS, then hit Enter.
- After entering the primary DNS, enter the preferred Secondary DNS, then press B on controller to save all the changes.
- Verify if your console is connected to the Internet.
Change DNS Settings on PS4
- Open the PlayStation menu and head to the settings.
From all the settings, select network settings, then internet connection settings then custom.
If you have a wired connection, then select LAN, otherwise select Wi-Fi for wireless networks.
In the next step, select custom and set the IP address setting to automatic. - Throughout the process, bear the fact in mind that you don’t have to specify for DHCP hostname, select the manual for DNS settings, and you must enter the primary and secondary DNS records as and For automatic, choose the MTU and don’t use for proxy servers.
- Now save all the changes and try joining a multiplayer session.
Hopefully one of the solutions has worked for you to get rid of this Star Wars Battlefront 2 Error Code 721 on PC, Xbox One and PS5.