Tipsy Elves Net Worth: What Happened After Shark Tank?

What Is The Net Worth Of Tipsy Elves? In particular, everyone wants to dress and feel their best on festival days. In 2011, an attorney named Evan Mendelsohn, who also had some web advertising skills, teamed up with an old school friend named Nicklaus Morton, a dentist,t to start a business capitalizing on the horrible sweater party craze.

The monster Christmas sweater entrepreneurs differentiated their products from other tasteless sweater manufacturers by using higher-grade materials as the foundation for their own unique flippant, and nonsensical architecture.

In 2011, Evan Mendelsohn, a lawyer with modest web advertising abilities, and Nicklaus Morton, a dentistry master, formed the organization to address the terrible sweater collecting trend. The giant Christmas sweater agents built their constructions from superior materials, which gave them autonomy from the other, more mundane sweater manufacturers.

Tipsy Elves

Business idea Unique Christmas-themed sweaters and accessories
Founder Nick Morton and Evan Mendelson
Asked for $100,000 for 5%
Accepted deal $100,000 for 10%
Sharks Robert herjavec
Business status In business
Episode Season 5 Episode 12
Website Tipsy elves
Buy on Amazon Buy Now!

Who Are the Founders?

The two business partners are based in California, USA. Nicklaus Morton and Evan Mendelssohn hold master’s degrees; Nicklaus’s is in endodontics, and Evan’s is in finance. He has also dabbled in the fields of psychology and commercial law.

Morton attended UF for his dental residency, during which he specialized in endodontics. Mendelsohn was an associate at the law firm Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP after he graduated from law school.

As time passed, Evan was promoted to a contract attorney position within the same firm, where he now focuses on corporate transactional law. Nicklaus also became a certified endodontist and opened his private practice called EndoCareGroup. The fraternity brothers introduced the two.

Establishing The Company

Tipsy Elves gained widespread attention during the 2013 Shark Tank Christmas Special. Nick and Evan came into the Tank and offered 5% of their company for $100,000. The presentation kicked off with a fashion show.

Nick and Evan earned lots of laughs from the “Sharks” when they used their friends as models for their merchandise. While entertaining, not all A-list investors saw the financial potential in this venture. However, Kevin O’Leary proposed a deal: $100,000 in exchange for a $2 royalty on each sweater sold until his initial investment was recouped.

The royalty rate will decrease to $1 per sweater after that. However, the business owners accepted Robert Herjavec’s much more favorable offer of $100,000 in exchange for 5% ownership.

What Happened To Tipsy Elves After Shark Tank?

In the 512th holiday episode of Shark Tank, Evan Mendelsohn and Nicklaus Morton, inventors of the Tipsy Elves, presented their take on the ubiquitous Ugly Christmas Sweater to investors. Ugly sweaters were once offered as gifts and worn without irony or a negative term.

Children who were given expensive and overly cheery holiday gifts often followed a mocking fashion trend when they became older, sporting ugly sweaters to show off their disdain for the style. Friends Evan Mendelson and Nick Morton used their talents to expand Tipsy Elves’ successful company by preying on people’s dislike of the holiday season.

Evan’s friends wearing tacky, garish Christmas sweaters at parties during the season amused him. He reasoned that there was potential in capitalizing on what seemed to be a word-of-mouth hilarious fashion trend at the time.

The Best Ugly Christmas Sweaters From Tipsy Elves
The Best Ugly Christmas Sweaters From Tipsy Elves

As a lawyer, Evan dabbled in SEO (Search Engine Optimization), a form of digital marketing that aims to improve a company’s rankings in Google and similar search engines, in his spare time. After learning that people were searching online for Christmas sweaters at a high rate just before the holidays, he gave Nick a call.

The company was founded by two UC San Diego pals who became fast friends throughout their time there. Without much forethought, they spent their own money (a combined total of $140,000) on the venture, reached out to friends from business school, and leveraged Nick’s family ties to locate a cost-effective Chinese supplier.

The sweaters were designed by Evan and Nick, who used a variety of silly, elaborate, and irreverent motifs on high-quality materials. They made a profit off selling them and sent a portion of that money to Save the Children, which helps poor kids be warm throughout the winter.

In their first year of business, Tipsy Elves made $380,000 from selling ugly sweaters. Ugly sweaters brought in $900,000 the following year. was the primary source of orders. Evan and Nick had already quit their day jobs to devote themselves full-time to the business before appearing on Shark Tank.

What Is The Net Worth Of Tipsy Elves?

How much money do the Tipsy Elves have? The company’s annual sales have reached $6 million, and its net worth is $20 million. Sales of almost $120,000,000 are a testament to their success.