About Us

TheImportanteNews is an online newspaper. We have a group of qualified writers and journalists who write different articles for The Important eNews. The team of experts gathers news from different trusted sources all over the globe.

It’s one of the online news site having the right amount of readers. The website presents breaking news, useful data and information about important topics, that were collected from different sources.

The website focuses mainly on the latest trending Tech News, Bollywood- Hollywood Gossips, Events, Sports, Education and excited info. TheImportanteNews will bring all the essential data analysis of the advanced technology and all the Gadget news.

TheImportanteNews.com also deals with political and General news from all over the world. We usually work with the Associated Press and with the content from clients. Please feel free to contact us in case of any queries.

The Team:

1. Rahis Saifi:

Founder & Editor

Rahis Saifi is very passionate about two things: business and technology. In today’s competitive business environment, you must understand how both business and technology work together. From his experience, many companies fail because they do not know how their business should implement the technology

Email: rahis@theimportantenews.com

2. Muhammad Usman Siddiqui:

Co-Founder & Editor

Muhammad Usman Siddiqui is a young entrepreneur from Pakistan and CEO of My Ultimate Success Tips. His studies (Petroleum Engineering) has no relation to business, but passion keeps him in this field.

Email: usman@theimportantenews.com

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