Noahj456 Divorce: What Happened Between The American YouTuber And Martha?

Famous American YouTuber NoahJ456 is known for uploading viral videos over and over again. Video games like Call of Duty, Destiny, The Division, Dying Light, and Grand Theft Auto are just a few of the many he writes about on his blog. On February 11, 2010, he created a YouTube channel and has since amassed over five million followers, over 1.515 billion views, and over 3,923 videos.

He has become one of the most watched gaming channels on the site, and his fame has spread across other social media platforms as well. He has over 291k Instagram followers and 456k viewers on his Twitch account. He’s famously married, and he used to post and talk a lot on social media about his wife. However, in recent months, that’s changed, and people are starting to wonder what’s up.

Did Noahj456 Divorce With His Wife, Martina?

Even though it would be tragic if Noahj456 and Martina still wore their wedding bands, I was unable to find any evidence that they still did so. This speculation began after he deleted all Instagram posts mentioning his wife Martina. According to his newsletter, the last time he included a photo of or with Martina was in May of 2021.

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This last picture was taken at her commencement. Before that shot, he could regularly share pictures of her on Instagram, with his wife appearing on his stream no more than once every ten postings. The tide seems to have turned, though, and people are taking note.


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A post shared by NoahJ (@noahj456)

The majority of Noahj456’s followers have begun to notice that the new style of images he’s publishing on Instagram is very different from his older ones. He previously shared gaming screenshots and videos, as well as the rare photo of himself and his wife, but now he primarily shares the content of himself and his 100 Thieves group having a good time.

Noah appears to have become a member of the e-sports team One Hundred Thieves late last year. Since then, the majority of his pictures have featured him and his hundred thief buddies, a large number of women, and excessive partying. The quality of his snapshots looks like it’s gone up a notch as if he’s hiring a pro to take them now.

The man also seems to have taken up DJing for no apparent reason, as evidenced by the numerous photos of him doing so that he frequently uploads to social media. Last but not least, he appears to have gone on a weight-loss diet.

What Happened Between Noahj456 And Martha?

Although it has not been confirmed, many people believe that Noahj456 and his wife Martha have separated. Many commentators on his Instagram post proposing to her (the one shown above) noted that he hasn’t shown her in any other photos since then. They also claimed that they visited his post and the comments on this post in search of clues as to what went down between the man and his wife, but they were left disappointed to find nothing indicating what might have transpired.

From what his Instagram feed shows, she was regularly appearing in his feed up until one day when she suddenly stopped. His subreddit provided more context for the situation by noting that Noahj456 and his wife have stopped wearing jewelry and that he has relocated to Los Angeles from Texas. Since Noah did not even make it back to Texas in time for Christmas in 2021, it looks like everything started going downhill at that time.

If they haven’t already, it’s widely assumed that the couple has separated or divorced. As several of Noah’s fans are frightened to inquire about him on stream for worry of being banned, and it appears that Martina isn’t usually responding to comments on her own Instagram, not a good lot greater is concept approximately their predicament.

What Happened Between Noahj456 And Martha?
What Happened Between Noahj456 And Martha?

Does Noahj456 Have Any Children?

Because his marriage has broken down so drastically, it seems unlikely that Noahj456 will start a family any time soon. Before his recent personality shift brought on by everything going on behind the scenes, Noahj456 was a devoted family man. The channel of the Texas native (born on October 17, 1994) often has a positive, family-friendly vibe.

In his films, he constantly made reference to his younger sister, Emma, and up until about a year ago, he frequently portrayed his wife (?) Martina. His wife, Martina, whom he married in March 2018, had become such a significant part of his channel that his followers had developed inside jokes about him, her, and his hairline.


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All that appears to be in the past at this point, as Noahj456 is a very, or seems to be a very remarkable individual who has transitioned from a healthy family man to a hard-partying, DJ-type fellow. Even though he still has lovers and his fan base is no longer traumatized by the divorce, there remains a pervasive sense of discontent among his devoted followers regarding his marriage. The reason for this is that they thoroughly enjoyed seeing his relationship with Martina, and the films including her also did rather well at the box office.

Whatever is happening with Noah and his marriage behind the scenes may be unknown to the public at large, but it certainly isn’t to his devoted followers. It looks like Noah is enjoying his independence and freedom as a single man. One can only hope this isn’t always the case and that he isn’t trying to hide behind the mask of a rough-and-tumble party animal while he strolls away from his problems.