Yasuko no Neverland, or The Promised Neverland, is a Japanese dark fantasy thriller anime series. It’s one of the adaptations of Kaiu Shirai’s same-named manga series. The show aired in 2019 and served a total of twelve episodes. It was the second series released on January 8, 2021, but only eleven episodes aired in the second season. On March 26, 2021, it premiered its final episode. The Promised Neverland’s second season came to an end a few months ago. The fans have higher expectations for this show because its first season shocked everyone’s mind. Fans are still expecting that The Promised Neverland Season 3 will recreate the excitement of the previous seasons.
Since then, fans have been continuously looking out for the third instalment as the two were terrific among the fans, and they want to know when the next instalment will have arrived and what could be its expected date. In the below section, we will be sharing all the recent details about this, so keep reading further so that you do not miss any latest updates.
This series has done well on the screens and has been rated on several rating platforms like IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, MyAnimeList. It has managed to garner a positive response. It got 8.6 out of 10 on IMDb, 8.4 out of 10 on MyAnimeList and has been reviewed by millions of fans positively on Rotten Tomatoes, but season 2 was not considered as good as season 1. In the below section, we will be sharing all the updates related to this, so stay tuned for more information.
The Promised Neverland Season 3: Release Date
The anime’s first season was rated one of the best anime series of the decade. It garnered a lot of compliments and received an 8.62 rating on MyAnimeList. The second season garnered only negative reviews and received a 5.64 rating on the same site. After the first season of the anime, everything began to deteriorate. To start with, fans will have to wait a little longer to watch the sequel. And when it finally arrived, it shattered everyone’s expectations.
Moreover, it left no room for a third season of The Promised Neverland. The show makers revealed that the 23rd episode would be the series finale. It already featured the conclusion of the manga series with a bit of modification. Therefore, now it is certain that the anime series will not return. But since the anime is very popular, there is a possibility the fans might see it reboot, and fans’ decisions might change the mind of the show makers.
The Promised Neverland Season 3: Cast
The first and second seasons were loaded with a great cast, and we can only look forward to meeting them for the third season. Therefore, we should expect the three main casts with their brief description are as follows:
- Sumire Morohoshi playing Emma
- Maaya Uchida playing Norman
- Ray playing Mariya Ise
- Shinei Ueki playing Don
- Lynn playing Gilda
- Hiyori Kono playing Phil
- Yuko Kaido playing Isabella
- Yuuko Mori playing Lannion
However, if season 3 makes a comeback, more new faces might probably be added to the cast list.
The Promised Neverland Season 3: Plot
As mentioned above, season 2 will be the final; hence, we do not have any plotline for this upcoming series. Still, if it is revived, then most probably it will start where season one left. Here in this section, we are sharing a brief plotline of the previous seasons. The series is set in the future, in the year 2045. We had discovered in Season 1 and 2 that the orphanage’s children have realized that the place is not as perfect as it looks. After finding the body of one of the children at the gate, they realized what had happened.
Children in the orphanage are considered the meal of demons that live in the outside world. Season 3 is expected to reveal a lot more. Will Norman and Emma be able to persuade the other kids to flee? Will Isabella, Mom, find out? Season 2 will undoubtedly be plenty of excitement as these mysteries are explored. And how do you believe Season 3 of The Promised Neverland will play out? Although, these are only speculations until and unless the makers of this series announce anything official.
The Promised Neverland Season 3: Trailer
As previously stated, the makers of this series have revealed that season 2 will be the final one, and hence we cannot say that there will be a trailer for season 3. Still, if we get any updates about this, we will probably get back to you again. For more recent updates and information, you can stay in touch with us.