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Who is Grace Brinkley Boyfriend and Her Shocking Relation Revelations?

Grace Brinkley Boyfriend

Grace Brinkley Boyfriend

After splitting from her ex-boyfriend, Elliot Ashton, who founded the real estate company Agent Posting, Grace Brinkley is now living alone. She disclosed that she ended their relationship when she discovered he was having extramarital affairs with several different women. Continue to learn the details of the story.

Influencers in the fashion and lifestyle industries have gained enormous notoriety recently, particularly with the introduction of TikTok. It seems like a new celebrity emerges every day, regardless of age. And even if you only utilized TikTok, Instagram, or other social media platforms for one day, you have undoubtedly seen a lot of these types of influencers.

Grace Brinkley has been in the news lately because she has been outspoken about her relationship. A few days prior, she discovered that her ex-boyfriend was having various relationships with other women, so she shared a video of him on TikTok. Let’s talk about it in more depth now.

Who is Grace Brinkley Boyfriend?

In her life updates, Grace Brinkley (@gbrinkly) has revealed that she moved to Los Angeles and is now single. It was all the result of her discovering that her boyfriend—now her ex—had cheated on her.

Her relationship with her ex-boyfriend lasted six months, based on the information she has shared on her TikTok thus far. She identified him as Elliot Ashton, the creator of Agent Posting, in a since-deleted TikTok video. His company is on Instagram at (@ashtonrealestate).

Grace Brinkley said that he requested her to respect his privacy at all times. And she thinks now that Elliot intended it to give him more opportunities to flirt with girls. We wish Grace Brinkley the best of luck in all of her future pursuits, regardless of the result. We hope she moves on quickly and meets a new, devoted boyfriend.

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Who is Elliot Ashton?

Elliot Ashton is a real estate agent and the creator of a real estate company called Posting Agent, in addition to being Grace Brinkley’s ex-boyfriend. Even though it doesn’t seem like he has a personal Instagram account, he occasionally shares details about his personal life from his company account.

Elliot seems to share a home with his parents and two younger sisters. We don’t know anything about him other than this. But be assured we’ll respond to you as soon as we learn of any updates.

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