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Georgia Mass ShΘΘting Suspect Deἀd After Gunfight with Authorities

Henry County Sheriff Reginald Scandrett has confirmed that Andre Longmore, the alleged perpetrator behind the dedly shΘΘting in Hampton, Georgia, on Saturday morning (15 July), was klled during a shΘΘtout with law enforcement officials.

Scandrett proclaimed at a Sunday news conference that authorities had tracked and confronted the suspect. “The suspect returned fire and hit the ground running,” the sheriff said, adding that authorities tracked him and “he produced a handgun again.”

Scandrett stated that the authorities engaged in a second gunfight with Longmore, which resulted in his deth and the injury of two officers. One of the officers sustained grievous injuries and was airlifted to the hospital by helicopter.

The sheriff stated –

“He was hit in the rear of his back.”

“He is conscious, breathing and talking.”

The sheriff said it was an “absolute honor” to serve alongside those cops and that the community “can breathe a little bit easier, sleep a little better tonight. This monster is off of our streets.”

Longmore is accused of shΘΘting and klling four people, prompting a manhunt across the Atlanta metropolitan area as police departments attempted to locate him.

The mass gunfire was reported around 10:45 a.m. Saturday EDT, according to Hampton police chief James Turner. The incident occurred near the Dogwood Lakes subdivision in Hampton, approximately 29 miles south of Atlanta, in an area with lakefront residences and a Baptist church.

Do you know that on Saturday (15 July), Uniontown police charged a 14-year-old girl with unintentional klling after they allege she shΘt and klled a 16-year-old boy inside a house? The adolescent told investigators she was playing with what she thought was a BB pistol:

Sunday, police identified the four victims as Scott Leavitt, 67, his wife Shirley Leavitt, 66, Steve Blizzard, 65, and Ronald Jeffers, 66. According to Turner, all four inhabited the subdivision.

Authorities stated that the suspect, who also resided in the Dogwood Lakes neighborhood, seized Blizzard’s vehicle. Authorities offered a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of Longmore. “The suspect is known to be armed and dangerous,” Scandrett declared on Saturday, pledging to “hunt” Longmore.

Police stated that a motive was unclear and that Longmore was not related to any of the victims. On Saturday, the mayor of Hampton, Ann Tarpley, stated, “Today is a sad and somber occasion” and pledged that the perpetrator would be held accountable and “brought to justice.”

She continued –

“We ask that you lift up the families and the victims in your prayers, your thoughts, and that you give them the privacy that they may need to overcome this horrific tragedy.”

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