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Alex Jones Wife: How Many Children He Has With His Wife?

Alex Jones Wife

Alex Jones Wife

American radio broadcaster and notable conspiracy theorist Alexander Emerick Jones was born on February 11, 1974, into the far-right and alt-right movements. From his studio in Austin, Texas, he hosts The Alex Jones Show for the nationwide (syndicated and online radio) Genesis Communications Network.

InfoWars, like Jones’s other sites NewsWars and PrisonPlanet, is dedicated to spreading false information and conspiracy theories. As an example, Jones hosted white supremacist and Unite the Right rally attendee Nick Fuentes on his website Banned.Video, giving Fuentes exposure and providing a possible “entry point” to the white nationalist ideology.

Jones advocated theories that the U.S. government covered up or fabricated events like the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, the September 11 attacks, and the 1969 moon landing. According to him, the “New World Order” is the result of “fabricated economic crises, sophisticated surveillance equipment, and—above all—inside-job terror operations that stoke exploitable hysteria” on the part of numerous nations and large corporations.

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Alex Jones Wife

With his ex-wife Kelly Jones, Jones has three kids. The separation was finalized in March 2015. Kelly filed for sole or joint custody of their children from her ex-husband that same year (2017) because of his abusive behavior. He’s not a stable guy, she said, and “I’m concerned that he’s engaging in felonious behavior, threatening a member of Congress” (Adam Schiff).

Alex Jones Wife

His lawyer shot back, “He’s playing a part,” calling him a “performance artist.” On his show, Jones denied playing a character and called his show “the most bona fide, hard-core, real McCoy thing there is, and everybody knows it”; in court, Jones clarified that he generally agreed with his attorney’s statement, but that he disagreed with the media’s interpretation of the term “performance artist.”

Kelly was given custody of the kids with visiting rights for her ex. After Jones led a demonstration at the Capitol in April 2020, where he was swarmed by supporters and dubbed COVID-19 a hoax, Kelly filed an emergency motion to acquire custody of their girls for the next two weeks. The state district court refused the application. Rex Jones Jr. has done work for InfoWars, which he founded. In 2017, Jones wed Erika Wulff Jones, and the couple now has one kid.

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